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The Handbook of Security - de (Relié - Jul 30, 2014) (Author)

Details The Handbook of Security

Le tableau suivant montre des informations utiles du The Handbook of Security

Le Titre Du LivreThe Handbook of Security
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TraducteurAnousha Bryonny
Quantité de Pages979 Pages
Taille du fichier74.51 MB
LangueFrançais et Anglais
ÉditeurFiction Collective Two
Type de e-BookAMZ ePub PDF DOC OPDS
Auteur(Relié - Jul 30, 2014)
Nom de FichierThe-Handbook-of-Security.pdf

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De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant security Handbook – Dictionnaire françaisanglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises

Security is now a global concept that crosses traditional state boundaries and faces risks of many shapes and sizes This Handbook brings together 28 state–of–the–art essays covering the essential aspects of global security research and practice for the 21st century

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This Oxford Handbook is the definitive volume on the state of international security and the academic field of security studies It provides a tour of the most innovative and exciting news areas of research as well as major developments in established lines of inquiry

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New security concepts New security subjects New security objects New security practices Offering a comprehensive theoretical and empirical overview of this evolving field this book will be essential reading for all students of critical security studies human security internationalglobal security political theory and IR in general

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