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Cities and the Environment: The challenge of becoming green and sustainable - de Dr Pascual Berrone, Prof Joan Enric Ricart Costa, Ana Isabel Duch T-Figueras (Author)
Details Cities and the Environment: The challenge of becoming green and sustainable
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Le Titre Du Livre | Cities and the Environment: The challenge of becoming green and sustainable |
Date de Lancement | 2016-05-19 |
Traducteur | Thando Gwenna |
Chiffre de Pages | 220 Pages |
Taille du fichier | 46.06 MB |
Langage | Anglais et Français |
Éditeur | Abril Educação |
ISBN-10 | 4418337071-CQH |
Format de E-Book | PDF AMZ ePub DOCX UOF |
Écrivain | Dr Pascual Berrone, Prof Joan Enric Ricart Costa, Ana Isabel Duch T-Figueras |
ISBN-13 | 982-6816671880-IEY |
Nom de Fichier | Cities-and-the-Environment-The-challenge-of-becoming-green-and-sustainable.pdf |
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